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 COSKEWorld News - August 7, 2021

In Games:

We are finally putting 3rd-party games that we can use on our site! Also, WE CAN USE FLASH NOW!!! I'll look for more popular games I can put on my site that is free to use.

So far, I am working on the opening cutscene for Friendly's Early Years.  Here is what I have so far (on some devices the video will not work);
Pretty neat so far.

In Videos:

Sameer and I are working hard on a new DannyBoi's World: The Show episode. Stay Tuned!

Soon, we are going to release Kill James, Part 1! Remember, if you want to submit more ways to kill James, email me here! (LABEL IT WITH FRIENDLYWORLD OR IT WILL GO INTO MY SPAM!)

In General:

We are also working on FriendlyWorld comics! Under the FriendlyWorld Universe, we will have these series;

  • FriendlyWorld Origins 
  • Friendly's Early Years
  • DannyBoi's World (yes, it falls under the FriendlyWorld Universe!)
  • Unnamed Band (Yes, their name is Unnamed Band)
  • Team Bagel
It will fall under our COSKEWorld Gold service!

on the topic of that,

What is COSKEWorld Gold?

COSKEWorld Gold is a service where you can get exclusive content (like the comics), Get access to our exclusive Discord chat, and much more!

How do I get it?

Although I haven't fully released it yet, when it DOES get released, you can pay for it monthly for $7.50 on our Patreon! Or, you can e-mail me for a 7-day free trial.
That's it for now. Bye!
- Danny Aguero, CEO of COSKEWorld Megamix


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